Property tax relief fund created; moneys transferred from general fund and certain DHSS revenues; JCF to certify
Act 213
Regional, human and social services delivery services: feasibility study provided [Sec. 9126 (27u)] [vetoed]
Rent for AFDC recipients: direct payment by DHSS to landlord required -
Act 198
RNIP and general relief programs eliminated and replaced with relief block grants and other county programs; contracting with private health providers authorized [for section numbers, see entry under ``Relief program"] -
Act 27
SSI program: state administration provisions; eligibility for state supplement [Sec. 921b-922c, 2846b-2849, 9426 (17)] [2846c, 9426 (17) — partial veto] -
Act 27
Transitional housing operational grants repealed [Sec. 284m, 1087y] -
Act 27
Wisconsin works: new public assistance program for families with dependent children created; federal waiver requirements; employment, training and job access loan components [partial veto] -
Act 289
Hispanic workers injured in industrial accidents: program eliminated [Sec. 2420] -
Act 27
Homecraft program services revised [Sec. 2418f-2419d] [2419c — partial veto; 2418f-i — vetoed]
Act 27
Vocational rehabilitation, Division of, transferred from DHSS to DILHR; waiting list report required [Sec. 113, 895, 896, 898-912, 914, 915, 936, 956, 957, 1009-1014, 1758, 1813, 1947, 1950, 1997, 2014, 2023m, 2025, 2031, 2270, 2271, 2317, 2350, 2408-2417, 2421, 2422, 2997, 3520, 3744, 3745, 9126 (17)-(18), 9130 (15g), 9426 (15)] [9126 (17m) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Academic excellence higher education scholarship program revisions; maximum amount set [Sec. 1891, 1892, 1897, 1912-1916, 9427 (2)] -
Act 27
HEAB and EAB eliminated; functions combined and transferred to DOE [Sec. 93, 99, 207, 208m, 223m, 558, 560, 562, 563, 568, 599, 620-623, 1200, 1815-1840, 1853-1859, 1860, 1861, 1862-1887, 1888-1890, 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1900-1911, 1918-1930, 1931-1933, 1935-1945, 6266, 9127 (1), 9154 (1), 9427 (1), (1g), 9454 (2)] -
Act 27
Medical college of Wisconsin: state aid formula changes [Sec. 566, 1851j-1852] -
Act 27
Archaeological features and natural resources: penalties modified for damage to -
Act 391
Funding increased -
Act 238
Historic property building preservation waiver [Sec. 17m, 1993j] -
Act 27
Historic sites admission fees revised -
Act 3
Historical society: efficiency measures report procedures [Sec. 9128 (1x)] [vetoed] -
Library user fees authorized, JCF to approve fee schedule; fund raising from private sources permitted [Sec. 564, 1984, 1986] -
Act 27
Old Wade house state park and Wesley W. Jung carriage museum: title transferred from DNR to Historical society [Sec. 1992, 9142 (1), 9428 (1)] -
Act 27
Rock art site: intentional criminal damage made a felony -
Act 208
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission: membership, staff, funding and duties revised [Sec. 2g-L, 20g-i, 28m, 30t] -
Act 216
Wisconsin sesquicentennial commission transferred from Office of the governor to Historical society; authority and membership revised; report required [Sec. 47p, pg, 48m-q, 72, 82, 88m, 91L, 209m, s, 564g-s, 1217m, 1993b, 6275m] [48n, q, 82, 1217m — partial veto; 47p, pg, 48m, ng, p, 72, 88m, 91L, 209m — vetoed] -
Act 27
State holidays and paid holidays for state employes revised re Good Friday -
Act 178
Property taxes or rent under homestead credit reduced re W-2 participation -
Act 289
Equine activities: civil liability immunity created -
Act 256
Fence construction re owner liability for damage done by horses, sheep and goats -
Act 148
Essential access city hospital: limitation on funds distribution to apply each fiscal year [Sec. 2984]
Act 27
Hospital and nursing home plan review duties transferred from DILHR to DHSS [Sec. 819, 3225, 3246, 3660, 9126 (2), 9130 (1), 9426 (2), 9430 (1)] -
Act 27
Hospital operating deficit reduction program: technical change [Sec. 2981b] -
Act 27
Outpatient hospital services: supplemental MA payments expanded [Sec. 2985] -
Act 27
Rural hospital loan guarantee program repealed [Sec. 6299, 6300] -
Act 27
Rural hospital loan guarantee program: WHEFA transfer of moneys to DOA required [Sec. 9125 (1)]
Act 27
Rural hospital MA: limitation on funds distribution to apply each fiscal year [Sec. 2954] -
Act 27
Rural medical center regulations created; certain exemptions -
Act 98
Uniform accounting system requirement for hospitals eliminated [Sec. 4394] -
Act 27
Bed and breakfast permit requirements: certain waiver created [Sec. 6343m, 9326 (25h)] -
Act 27
Business improvement or start-up loan guarantee program revised; eligibility expanded [Sec. 6305i-np]
Act 27
Snowmobile operation on highways for purpose of access to lodging establishment, campground or residence
Act 61
Prevailing wage effective date re 1995 WisAct 215 revised [Sec. 85m, p] -
Act 216
Prevailing wage rates and hours laws revised re state and local public works projects; coverage of certain truck drivers revised -
Act 215
Articles delivered to or received from a jail inmate: prohibitions created -
Act 437
County prisoner maintenance costs: recovery of expenses permitted; establishment of work camps authorized
Act 281
Home detention authorized re county house of correction -
Act 26
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